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Job Assistant Principal of Instruction (25-26)

ID: 1240960   0

Assistant Principal of Instruction (25-26), Austin

Salary range: $101777 per year

Summary information

Position: Assistant Principal of Instruction (25-26)
Published: 02/21/2025. Relevant to: 03/08/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description


The Assistant Principal of Instruction’s job is to support the school in driving academic and student culture outcomes for students as a key member of the school’s leadership team. Through supervising, coaching, training, and developing a cohort of teachers, managing key student culture initiatives and supporting other school wide priorities, our Assistant Principals of Instruction commit to creating joyful, academically excellent schools that prepare students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose — college, career, and beyond — so they can lead fulfilling lives and build a more fair world.

As an Assistant Principal of Instruction you will internalize and drive towards cohort-specific academic and culture-related goals in pursuit of supporting KIPP Texas Public Schools in meeting organizational goals;

  • 100% of KTX School achieve an A or B rating - TBD
  • 95% of K-2 students reading on grade level DIBELS
  • KTX earn 90/75/40 on Reading STAAR
  • KTX earn 90/75/40 on Math STAAR
  • 60% of seniors graduate having scored a 3+ on at least a AP/IB exam
  • 80% of student matriculate to a 4-year college
  • 97% Average Daily Attendance
  • 100% BOY Enrollment by Day 10
  • 80% of Staff Retained


Act as member of School Leadership Team

  • Support the development and implementation of the School Leader’s school-wide vision and take an active role in investing and mobilizing teachers to achieve the collective goals of the school
  • Own implementation of select school-wide priorities and initiatives as directed by the school leader in support of school-wide vision and short and long- term academic and culture goals
  • Champion KIPP TX core values and build a community of team and family members dedicated to achievement and collaborative spaces of opportunity.
  • Operationalize school-wide academic and student culture systems, processes, and routines
  • With guidance from the School Leader, lead the annual goal setting process for assigned grade levels and/or departments reflective of set regional and school-wide vision and goals
  • Effectively action plan and monitor progress towards goals utilizing and established campus and regional enabling systems
  • Troubleshoot and respond to concerns escalated from students, staff, and/or families
  • Support the School Leader in identifying and developing teacher leaders (Content Team Leaders and/or Grade Level Chairs) through providing coaching, feedback and opportunities for leadership development

Lead Teacher Development

  • Manage and coach a team of teachers, including special education teachers, to achieve student academic and culture results.
  • Develop deep mastery of the academic standards in the subjects/grades for which s/he coaches, and its implications for all subjects/grades.
  • Lead the implementation and internalization of rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners, including weekly content team meetings and lesson internalization.
  • Implement regular coaching cycles through observation and real-time feedback.
  • Coach a cohort of up to 9 teachers, including special education teachers, and collaborate with instructional staff to develop knowledge, design, and implement effective instructional strategies that address the needs of all students.
  • Support the coordination and implementation of school-wide assessments and analyze assessments to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for intervention.
  • Monitor student academic progress towards goals with data driven instructional practices and data analysis meetings.
  • Evaluate classroom teacher performance using KIPP TX’s teacher evaluation rubrics.
  • Lead teacher instructional development with support of the academics team and school leader.

College Preparatory School Culture Management

  • Lead school-wide school culture systems that address the evaluated areas of school climate, sense of social awareness, and growth mindset.
  • Develop and support teachers and staff in the implementation of school-wide culture systems (i.e entry, dismissal, transition, incentive systems, community meetings, etc.) aligned with the vision for school culture.
  • Coach their assigned teachers on classroom management, teacher language, and practices to support a college preparatory culture.
  • Ensure consistent implementation of research-based social-emotional learning (SEL) and positive behavior interventions aligned within a multi-tiered intervention framework (MTSS).
  • Co-create and monitor student discipline management systems that results in positive student behavior and supports learning (i.e detention systems, In-School Suspension Systems, Re-Entry Systems, Intervention Systems).
  • Resolve conflict and disciplinary situations through a restorative lens while applying appropriate consequences aligned to the KTX code of conduct.
  • Lead data collection and assessment process to evaluate the effectiveness of school climate initiatives including adult (TNTP, Two Step) and student facing surveys (Student Needs Assessment).
  • Invest and build collaborative partnerships with parents and community, and other stakeholders to support students’ success and strengthen community involvement.
  • Manage staff and student celebrations.
  • Cross collaboration with behavior interventionist(s) when available, to coach provide professional development around classroom management and Tier 1 behavior practices.

About the company KIPP Texas Public Schools

Serving grades Pre-K - 12, we offer college-ready academic support, extracurricular activities, and a community for students to thrive. Click to learn more. Details»

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