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Cataloxy Austin...Jobs in AustinCompany jobs KIPP Texas Public Schools (Dallas)Middle School Math Teacher (Immediate)

Job Middle School Math Teacher (Immediate)

ID: 1242201   0

Middle School Math Teacher (Immediate), Austin

Salary range: $85055 per year

Summary information

Position: Middle School Math Teacher (Immediate)
Published: 02/20/2025. Relevant to: 03/08/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description

Every member of the Team & Family at KIPP Texas Public Schools plays a critical role in ensuring our students have the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose - college, career and beyond. Our educators are passionate advocates for their students and their families, working tirelessly to ensure that our students have access to opportunity. In our classrooms and across the KIPP TX Team and Family we embrace, honor and celebrate the uniqueness of each of our little and big KIPPsters. We are committed to attracting and developing individuals who are grounded in the experiences of our families, as we know we are at our best when center our students', families' and communities' realities. As a Teacher, you will deliver exceptional instruction and assess student growth. You are dedicated to constant learning and proactively provide academic and cultural support to your school and team.

As a KIPP Texas Public Schools Teacher, your core responsibilities include:

Instructional Delivery and Assessment:

  • Develop year-long Texas State standards-based unit plans and lesson plans that meet all students’ learning needs.

  • Use assessment data to modify short and long-term plans in order to promote all students’ academic performance.

  • Embrace and incorporate feedback in the spirit of constant improvement.

Academic and Cultural Support:

  • Collaborate with content and grade-level teams to promote an environment of critical thinking and academic rigor.

  • Establish and maintain working relationships with students and families based on trust and respect.

  • Participate in the daily functions of the school such as morning, lunch, and afternoon supervisory duties.

  • Attend critical school events such as staff meetings, open houses, and parent-teacher conferences.

  • Develop individualized learning plans for students and communicate these plans to families in parent meetings and conferences.

  • Meet professional obligations including timeliness and consistency in meeting deadlines .

About the company KIPP Texas Public Schools

Serving grades Pre-K - 12, we offer college-ready academic support, extracurricular activities, and a community for students to thrive. Click to learn more. Details»

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