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Cataloxy Austin...Jobs in AustinCompany jobs International SOS Government Medical Services (New York)Work and Family Life Service Delivery Operations Manager

Job Work and Family Life Service Delivery Operations Manager

ID: 1237268   0

Work and Family Life Service Delivery Operations Manager, Austin

Salary range: $64448 per year

Summary information

Position: Work and Family Life Service Delivery Operations Manager
Published: 02/21/2025. Relevant to: 03/07/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description

This position is still at the proposal stage and is awaiting award.

International SOS is looking for qualified individuals to be Work and Family Life (WFL) Service Delivery Operations Manager for The Navy Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP). The FFSP serves active duty members of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, and Air Force plus their eligible family members; active duty members of foreign military services who are stationed in the area; reserve military personnel and their family members when they are eligible for military medical care, military members designated as severely wounded, ill and injured and their identified caretakers and, on a space available basis, military retirees and their family members and widows, eligible family members of military decedents and other groups as directed and authorized by higher authorities in response to special circumstances.

Key Responsibilities

  • Continually research and analyze new or best management practices for application to programs or operations, providing timely information on status and trends.
  • Identify best practices for program delivery and develop curriculum and program implementation guidance to keep the program current and relevant.
  • Plan, coordinate, organize, and develop new curriculum and program implementation guidance for FFSP WFL programs designed to enhance the effective use of total resources in the operation of FFSP activities.
  • Assess the effectiveness of FFSP WFL programs execution.
  • Identify procedural problems in program operations using quantitative or qualitative methods.
  • Recommend adjustments to programs or changes to increase efficiency and effectiveness of FFSP WFL programs to the FFSP WFL Programs Manager.
  • Coordinate with CNIC Headquarters Program Managers on the development of marketing plans and campaigns.

This list is non-exhaustive, and the role holder may be required to undertake additional duties that are not specifically listed above.

About the company International SOS Government Medical Services

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